your company exists to be seen.

city on the hill consultancy

how we help

  • time

    As a business owner, you need to be in a million places at once. let us free up your time and give you one less thing to add to your already crowded calendar.

    A close-up of someone working on their laptop at a desk
  • money

    “my smallest package is about $1,500/mo.” How on earth are small and mid-sized businesses supposed to improve their marketing when they can’t afford it?

    A close-up of an invoice printed on the counter
  • knowledge

    our experience ranges from solopreneurs with cpg brands, to scrappy medtech startups, to publicly traded companies. we’ve seen it. we’ve learned it. we’ve aced it.

    An assortment of open books laying on the ground
A headshot of the founder, Alex O'Neil
A picture of a street in Charleston, looking up at a church

#1 rule of marketing: you can’t do it all.

well…we do.

why? because that is what’s missing in the industry and it’s why small businesses can’t get ahead.

we also have packages and a la carte services for people who don’t know what they want or need.

  • city on the hill has provided great ideas that took our products to the next level.

    Nadia Coll, APLKids

  • it's been an absolute pleasure working with city on the hill. the quality of work has been excellent.

    Sara Akhtar, Pulse Power Snacks

  • city on the hill has been a delight to work with.

    Dr. Michael O’Neil, Nashoba Vision